Formula to determine the amount of binding fabric needed:
Length x 2
+ Width x 2
= Total / (divided by) 42 (width of fabric) = # of strips needed (round up to the nearest whole number)
# of strips x 2.5 (width of strips) = total number of inches of fabric needed / (divide by) 36 = yardage needed for binding.
For quilts up to 80" wide, this formula will determine the amount of backing fabric needed. Otherwise, see chart below.
_____ " (quilt top length)
+ 4" (for extra backing for quilting process)
/ 36" (divide by how many inches in a yard)
= _____ yards
x 2
= ______ yards backing fabric needed (round up to nearest 1/4 yard.

Length x 2
+ Width x 2
= Total / (divided by) 42 (width of fabric) = # of strips needed (round up to the nearest whole number)
# of strips x 2.5 (width of strips) = total number of inches of fabric needed / (divide by) 36 = yardage needed for binding.
For quilts up to 80" wide, this formula will determine the amount of backing fabric needed. Otherwise, see chart below.
_____ " (quilt top length)
+ 4" (for extra backing for quilting process)
/ 36" (divide by how many inches in a yard)
= _____ yards
x 2
= ______ yards backing fabric needed (round up to nearest 1/4 yard.